2023 Photo Gallery – Bersin

Michael Bersin, professional photographer and cello professor has donated his photography. Free to use and distribute, please credit MOXsonic.org and Michael Bersin Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Outtakes (Some funny, underexposed, blurry or otherwise)

MOXsonic 2020 Photo Gallery

Photos from our 2020 MOXsonic Festival. This is only a partial collection, we will add to them as they arrive. Please feel free to use! We only ask that you credit all photos, “Photographs courtesy of MOXsonic.org” *To see full size image, click through. Right click large image to download.

MOXsonic 2019 Photo Gallery

Photos from Sound checks, hanging out, papers, demos, and a few concert pics… Professional shots by Michael Bersin, iPhone photos by Jeff Kaiser. This is not even close to documenting the entire event, unfortunately, just a sampling.